Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Weary Grat

I am grateful for a God who is so forgiving.
You know there are some days that I feel like a bit of a failure. I grump, I whinge, I moan and grizzle and snap at anyone who gets in my way!
I get to the end of the day and I feel so discouraged within myself. I really try so hard to not let sickness, tiredness and the incessant screaming of children get to me, but some days unfortunately it does just that.
And despite all my best intentions, I do not manage to be the super-amazing wife and mother that I intended to be at the start of the day! My image of the cool, calm, collected Mum who breezes her way through the day,suddenly seems shattered and left smooshed under the couch with some half-eaten toast. 
So I am grateful, not only for a loving and forgiving family, but to my heavenly Dad who doesn't judge me and make me feel worse than I feel already. Who kindly helps me to pick myself up, dust myself off and tells me that it's o.k. You know, I get that my family are compassionate towards me, because, lets be honest, tomorrow it will be someone elses turn to lose the plot and they will be asking me for some extra 'understanding'. But God...well he doesn't stuff up. He doesn't have to keep asking me to forgive this, overlook that...and yet he is always the same. Ever patient, understanding and the oh so important one... compassionate. 

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