Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am thankful that both my children are asleep and my house is quiet!!
I mean I desperately love them...but I am still feeling like I have not caught my breath from doing the 42 hours I worked last week while caring my girls fulltime with no break!!!  As a result, my housework has spiralled out of control and the simple things have been seriously neglected, plus my girls have had to put up with a stressed out mummy which is no fun whatsoever for anyone. So here I am, enjoying the peace and quiet and the opportunity for my brain to listen to the thoughts in my head and regaining my all-so-important sanity!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you do such an amazing job working and looking after the girls! What a mission! Don't ever doubt yourself as a mum!! (Meke)
