Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pancakes 'n more!

O.k so I have wanted to grat all week, but unfortunately I have not had one moment spare in which to do so - even as I write this first sentence I am being interrupted with a small voice calling out "Mummy I am too hot in my jama's suit!" So anyhoo I'm back, here I am with one enormous grat!!
First things first, today my hubby and I had our first 'day off' without both the kids, just to hang out together!!! Well I think this was one of the first times that I can recall when we didn't have either of the kids and we were out on our own for no other reason than to just 'hang out' all day!!' So this is the essence of my gratitude for today. First and foremost I am so grateful for my beautiful friend and her husband for offering to have the girls on their weekend. I could never have asked them to give up this time just so I could go and have a break and yet, they insisted on it - which made me feel really relaxed in knowing that they wanted to have the girls. They truly are an amazing and generous couple. I felt really comfortable leaving the girls with them , even when our baby has been not herself this week, getting teeth and being very grizzly. The kids all had a brilliant time and it was so cute to pick the girls up and hear of the adventures they had had during the day...all the while feeling so relaxed within myself! What a change from the frazzled Mum (and Dad) who dropped them off this morning!!
Secondly I am grateful for the generous gift we were given to go to the pancake parlour. This is not someone where I would choose to go normally to eat, but it was a really  fun opportunity to experience it, without having the pay the exorbitant amount they expect you to pay for a couple of pancakes!! LOL It was yummy tho:)
Finally I am grateful for my sweet husband, who was just a crack up to hang out with today. We spent time just walking through the Wilson Botantic Gardens and had a really fun time being reminded of how footloose and fancy free we were all those years ago when we used to date and hang out in parks, canoodling and mucking around! What a refreshing experience to just have no deadline (or not until 7pm at night anyway!!) We checked out a few different cafe's, went to an old favorite lookout and ate turkish bread with smoked prosciutto (OMG that what to die for) and drank appletise! Ahhhhhh does it get any better?! All the while enjoying the sounds of silence and of course our own chatter! No interruptions, no crying, no tantrums, no stinky nappies, just us! 
Yep I have had a fantastic 'grattable' day!!
Smiles, Mel

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