You know, my name (Tamara) means "palm tree on a hill". For years I’ve joked with friends about how hilarious and tragic it was to have a name that meant this. Anyway, I always thought, man that kinda sucks, other people have names meaning 'gift from God", "powerful leader" and here I am ‘palm tree on a hill’! Whooppeee! Intense!
Funny though, as time has gone on, God's showed me that palm trees plant their roots firmly in their foundations. They are resilient, strong and in times of hurricane and storms, they are often the only things left standing. They survive times of drought and famine and stretch their leaves up to God still. Like anything though, you remove the foundation- you uproot them, they die. They need this for life. How very cool this is huh! At my house now I am surrounded by palm trees. How gracious is God to give me this visual reminder! So my faith journey is that, thank God that He provides the foundation! I have so many stories of God's grace and mercy to me on my walk- He blows me away!...hahaha, but not literally cause I’m a palm tree….
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