Today my littlest had his 8 month check up with the maternal health nurse. I am so grateful for this beautiful boy. He had already been in and out of the car three times for the kinder drop off, swimming and then this appointment all before lunch time (on top of having 2 cat naps... both interrupted). And yet despite all this he patiently let Gillian, our nurse, poke and prod at him, smiled sweetly, passed all his '8 month assessments' (like transferring a block from one hand to the other, turning his head when he heard his name, sitting up unassisted etc) with charm and charisma.
I know I'm biased but I think he is such a superstar. He rarely cracks it and when he does, he has every reason to with all the rushing around that he is subjected to.
So for today, I'm grateful for his easy-going nature, his delightful laughter and his cheeky smile that continue to remind me how blessed I am that he is in our family.
NB His head (not surprisingly) was in the 90th percentile BUT so was his height so that's apparently okay LOL. There just must be lots of brains in there hee hee!
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