You know it is amazing that two days can be so very different when you have kids.
Yesterday was one of those days that I could happily pretend never took place!! My toddler woke up super early and super disagreeable.
By 9am she was back in bed, the only thing I could do to try and stop the wirlwind of hostility that she was unleashing on myself and her little sister. I can't say I myself was perfect. In fact last night before bed I said to my husband...gee I am glad tomorrow is a new day and I can start again!
And you know what, today has been a such a different day. Quite relaxing and enjoyable, I can't say I am missing the tantrums, no siree I am not! My gratitude is that today IS a new day and that it has been a FAR better day than yesterday. I am also grateful that my toddler is as forgiving of me as I am of her faults and that we are back to being besties again today. LOL
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