Here comes the devotional, get a coffee girls.. for God's little words through His creation. I often come to writing my grat and start to write something kinda superficial, that I am thankful for, but that doesn’t really touch where I'm at on that day. I'm sure that’s a protective, pride thing on my part- not wanting to worry anyone and let anyone see the valley that I'm in at the moment. But this morning as I took a walk with God He was speaking to me about this. Just maybe if I'm really truthful, my words could help others, maybe some of you guys feel variations of this in your walks. Maybe I'm being disobedient by not sharing some of these thoughts as the spin God gives me on this may help you also. So I resigned to swallow my pride and the fear that I have of you guys looking at me going "wow she’s got issues!!" and just be honest. I hope that’s ok!
So my grat/reflection/devotion this morning is about my new found shell collection! Each day as I walk along the water up here, I collect a shell that is an indication of how I'm feeling that day. One I picked up the other day was really small and clean- how I felt, small and somewhat insignificant in it all, but like God was bringing me down to the bottom of the valley to wash me clean. Today’s shell was what triggered this grat. It's one of those swirly ones, quite beautiful really, it’s much bigger and amazingly its outer rim is still intact, all its edges are there yet as you look at it you can see many holes. Either it’s been eaten away (does anything eat shells??) or bashed up against some rocks and debris for some time to make it like that. Dear God, I thought, that is so me!!!
I'm keeping the shells, and making a picture out of them. I intend to keep them to remind me that as each day passes, it’s a day I've got through and don’t have to go back to; but mostly it's a day that God has got me through. I intend to look at them one day, from a happier place in life (cause I know God will get me there!) and remember how it was His unfailing love that brought me through this time, that He was the only constant in life that would always be with me.
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