...now the lizard...as I sit here on my daybed on the back porch (Andie's fav place at my house) I am watching my new resident blue tongue lizard, who I've just decided to call Harry, patiently wait for food- insects etc that he is basically stalking. He was here earlier this week, before I left for conference. Now for those "melbournites" in our group, lizards aren't exactly an every day occurance in melbourne backyards, at least not blue tongues, but in QLD I have seen lots of lizards, skinks etc and the odd blue tongue. Harry though, clearly has been enjoying his new home in my backyard (well at least for now before Mille my dog returns, when I have asked him to move on!...we will see how that goes..).
Anyway, I was watching him earlier in the week, and I was overwhelmed by his patience. This dude just waits. He just sits, so still that if you weren't looking for Him you would actually pass him by. You guys know of my journey recently, lets be honest there's been a few rocks on my path of late (maybe a couple boulders also) and a few of you know how I am seeking God's direction on where I need to go to from here etc, and that God has merely said to me (many times in the last month,though different media and people- another good story for another day) "Be still and know that I am God".
So that's all I have been doing, everytime I get discouraged I here a song with these words; or a sermon; or someone random says to me, "Just be Still"...God is so gracious. So now He has used Harry to convey this message. I watched Harry earlier this week, and again this morning, just sit PAINFULLY still, waitng for the right time to move. Sometimes he would just incline his eyes up, watching and listening. It again dawned on me that I need to be like my new mate Harry! Still, silent, patient, waiting, inclining my eyes and ears toward heaven. How great is our God to use even these small creatures around us to bring His messages. How important it is to obey.
As i sit here this morning and look out, I notice the beautiful frangipani tree that my neighbour has, that is flowering- my favourite tree; and as I am writing this I watch a blue butterfly- hilariously the first I've seen up here, and my favourite for a long time, flies by. God gives us so many messages in the small things, I wonder how many I've missed in the past?
So that's my thought girls, I hope you gain something out of this. My personal prayer is "God, please make me more like Harry, patient and aware...but perhaps hold the somewhat unattractive physique and looks cause let's be honest, Harry's not exactly easy on the eye :)
Bless you girlies! I have attached a pic of my new mate for you all to share! Feel free to stick Him on the fridge if you need to grow in this area too!
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