On Friday, my wonderful, long-time friend (who I've known since I was about 4 years old) came over for a play with her three children. We started the morning by celebrating her daughter's 4th birthday with a little party and then giving her a present. She is a huge "Angelina" fan (and 'no' that's not Brad and Angelina... Angelina Ballerina).
I'd found a DVD of the actual ballet, which she's been to see at the beginning of the year. She was so excited and asked to put it on immediately. This was great because my children had been asking to watch it too but I kept telling them they'd have to wait. So we put on the DVD and four eldest children sat mesmerized watching the ballet for about two hours. Occasionally they would call us to tell us what was happening in the story which I was impressed about because there was no dialogue to help them understand. They just had to watch really carefully.
I am grateful for this opportunity to sit and chat with my friend while the four big kids snuggled on the couches and the two little ones slept. It was a lovely morning and when the DVD was over my daughter kept lovingly trying to kiss my friend's son who she been snuggled next to on the couch and then later my friend's daughter was caught kissing my son and chasing him around for a bit more affection after they'd been together on the other couch. Ohhh there was so much love in the room. It was a very funny time watching them all - especially seeing the eldest two and realising that that's how old my friend and I were when we became friends and life had gone a full cycle.
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