My little sister has taught me a lot. She also keeps me accountable for so many things without even realising it. When I was pregnant for the first time, I started feeling fearful about all the things that could go wrong (the "what if....."s) but she helped me see that I could just be happy in the moment and enjoy my pregnancy while everything was going well. If something did go wrong, then I could face that if it happened.
I'm glad she taught me this because it saved my a lot of unnecessary worry that would've robbed my joy at that time.
Another thing she's taught me is to celebrate life... really celebrate it. She insisted I had 3 baby showers (one for each of my pregnancies) and although I tried to resist, she managed to find a way to celebrate in 3 completely different ways. I appreciated this.
She also makes the time, no matter how busy to squeeze in a special moment for everyone's birthdays. It could be weeks later or as simple as a coffee out but it's a moment in time that she sacrifices to let you know that you're valued and that your life is a gift.
There's always choices in life. Hard ones, easy ones, spur of the moment ones and well-thought out ones but we always have a choice.
I remember when I was a graduate teacher back in 2001. I was trying my hardest to make a good impression in the affluent girl's school I had been employed at. A few months in to my job, my grandmother passed away. The funeral was on a weekday and one that I taught a full load. I arranged my day to try and cause as little disruption to everyone else around me so that I could leave at recess and be back to teach the final two periods. As I set out across the city to an unfamiliar area, I got lost and stressed as I drove around unable to find the church. I eventually arrived late and had to listen to service from the foyer as it was full in the church. Afterwards I raced away, making it back to school just in time.
This event has left a lasting impression in my life. It is a huge regret that I live with and choose not to forget because it has taught me so much about the decisions I make. Looking back now I reflect, "Did the school appreciate my selfless actions on that day, trying to create less work for them?" Of course not. The only thing anyone probably remembers from that day was my poor form in showing up to my grandmothers funeral. What I'm left with is a scenario where I viewed something temporary (my job) as more important than the relationships around me. I wasn't particularly close to my grandmother so I could've justified it away like that but I am close to my father (and it was his mum). And I should've been there for him and valued the relationship with him on that day.
Last Sunday our family had plans and the children were excited. At the last minute though my sister arranged a farm day outing to celebrate her eldest daughter's 3rd birthday (an extra event to her party this weekend). I initially said 'no' as we'd made plans and I knew we had her party coming up but when I got off the phone and thought about my grandma's funeral, the importance of my decisions hit me hard again. Was this one of those moments where I would later look back and wish I'd made the decision to go? Yes! So I called her back, we changed our plans and I am SOOOOO glad because we had the most lovely day celebrating and created memories that I will never forget. So my long-winded grat is for my sister. Her ability to celebrate life and all that comes with it. The value she places on her relationships and for the reminders she gives me that even when it's busy, "we still celebrate". I am so glad for this because I just don't want to miss a moment.
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