Friday, September 10, 2010

Punk Pigeoni

Well HI ya' all, It's been a LOOONNNGGG time since I gratted- not to say that I havent been grateful but just often dont make the time to touch on the old keys..

I find myself up early and sitting in one of my God spots with coffee in hand...ahhhh.. I'm struck by nature again this morning. God often speaks to me through it.

For the last few days I've been watching this pigeon build his nest in a tree in my backyard. I've nicknamed him "Punk" cause he's one of those types with the mohawk bit on the top of his head. Pigeoni- well thats my made up word from travelling in Italy some years ago, so when you say it, please do so with an italian accent!! Frankly he is kinda cute for a pigeon!

Anyway Punk is a hard worker. He's up early flying back and forth collecting twigs in his mouth and bringing them back to obviously build his nest. His nest-I can't see- but it is towards the top of the tree, and he's such a clever dude that he goes in through the top and out through the side- front and back door if you like. I marvel at his instinct.

I sit here, chilled with my coffee and think "Man, I'd love to help you and make it easier for you." I could just get some string and ball it up; or I could leave some twigs closer to his nest so he didn't have to fly and hunt for them. When I was thinking this this morning it suddenly dawned on me that I wonder if thats how God feels about me- or us?

Maybe He's watching us going 'Ah, I'd love to help you..but' Now don't get me wrong, He does step in- often- but often too He doesn't. You see, if I helped lil Punk put together his nest then it would have my scent on it, and from what I know of birds (whic frankly is very little!), I think he would either abandon his nest; the chicks (are pigeons babies chicks??) or both. So by helping- or what I think is helping- I'm actually hindering him.

We often talk about the refiner- God molding us and allowing our decisions and experiences to grow us. Just like me with this pigeon, Im sure God wants to intervene all the time, stop us from making mistakes, or help things move quicker- hand over a few twigs to make it easier and quicker..lead us to greener pastures an all that..

Perhaps if He stepped in ALL the time our 'nests' would never be complete?

Just a thought... Tam

1 comment:

  1. I never knew pidgeons could smell! Thanks for re-inspiring me to grat :-)
