Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Number 5: Keep Focused

Certain people are put in our lives at particular times by God to help build us up, lift our spirits and keep us focused on living in a God-centered way.

I am grateful for the different people I can see that God has strategically placed in my life for this reason.

I love that he knows exactly what I need to hear and I love seeing the creative way he comes up with to communicate his point.

Sometimes he provides this encouragement or direction straight from the Bible, and other times he hides it in the beauty or complexity of nature.

But so often I find he uses these special friends in my life who have a similar faith to mine, to help empower, challenge and encourage me.I am grateful that I love a God who is bigger than me and my problems.

Number 4: A new friend!

I made a new friend today. A lovely, inspiring lady named Laura. Her and her husband and their 3 young children moved to Chiang Mai about 5 months ago and work in a children's home.

Today I am thankful that we could meet and have coffee. I am grateful for our similar experiences, sense of humor and the opportunity to share. Here's her blog.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Number 3: Psalm 65

I am so grateful for the new bible study group I started last week. Ironically this week's study is all about Psalm 65... a psalm of gratitude!

I am starting to feel the 'community' life now and making friends and venturing out... I am glad for these things!

Number 2: Shhhh

I am grateful for a chance to catch up on some jobs while my two little beauty's sleep peacefully.
Ahhhh it's so nice to do this without interruptions:)
O.k so I may be regretting this later on tonight when my eldest can't get to sleep at her normal bedtime LOL
Actually it is usually a lovely opportunity to spend some quality time alone with her, so it really will be a win-win situation I think!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Number 1: Real

Sometimes issues arise which make you laugh, cry, raise your eyebrows in utter confusion or make you a little hot under the collar. But isn't it amazing what you can learn about yourself and others, despite all that flurry of emotion. I feel grateful that I have the ability to learn from the experiences I have had in the past, to better deal with and cope with the more interesting scenarios life sometimes throws at me. I am grateful for a very level headed and wise husband and two very funny, cute girls to keep me real and sane.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1000 Gratitude Challenge

We're thinking about following the lead set by Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience.

But we're going to work together to make a list of 1000 Gratitudes!

Do you want to join us as we reach our goal and begin to feel more joy, less stress, better health and more connected? Email us at:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spring Grat

I am grateful for the warm spring weather. I live by the river and with longer hours of daylight I have been really loving going walking and jogging along the river!

Friends Grat

I am very grateful for my friends - in particular today for the friends I have at uni. I often feel surrounded by support and care as I travel through my training and other life experiences. I think that I have grown and developed in my confidence over the years and feel really respected by the people who I go to uni with, despite the fact that we are a very diverse group of people and I am one of the youngest :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

A life worth living...

I was at a training earlier this month and they were talking about the concept of creating a 'life worth living' the term really struck me and connected with some things I have been learning over the past few years about values. I am grateful that as I am 'growing up' I am starting to learn how to identify my own values and how these fit with me to create my own version of a life worth living (for me). I am also grateful that this allows me to respect and honor the values of others and their own version of a life worth living.

I have been really challenged lately with a lot of stuff being thrown my way (not to mention, just how busy life gets) and I think in the midst of that it is easy to lose sight of the things that really matter. I am grateful that I have had a few experiences and opportunities in the last week or two that have helped me to reconnect a bit with what is most important in my life.

Loss & Memories Grat

I have to say this week I have been rather reflective. One reason is that my grandmother (who passed away early this year) would have been turning 90 this week. I am grateful for happy memories and for all that having in her life taught me about myself, about patience, respect, caring for someone when they may not be able to care back and unconditional love. My grandma was someone who was very unwell for a long time, and I cared for her in various ways since I was 11. I am grateful that I was able to do that. Grateful that I am not left with regrets and grateful that she was able to come to my wedding - to share such a special day with me and to have an outing (her last I think) that I know brought her so much joy.

Punk Pigeoni

Well HI ya' all, It's been a LOOONNNGGG time since I gratted- not to say that I havent been grateful but just often dont make the time to touch on the old keys..

I find myself up early and sitting in one of my God spots with coffee in hand...ahhhh.. I'm struck by nature again this morning. God often speaks to me through it.

For the last few days I've been watching this pigeon build his nest in a tree in my backyard. I've nicknamed him "Punk" cause he's one of those types with the mohawk bit on the top of his head. Pigeoni- well thats my made up word from travelling in Italy some years ago, so when you say it, please do so with an italian accent!! Frankly he is kinda cute for a pigeon!

Anyway Punk is a hard worker. He's up early flying back and forth collecting twigs in his mouth and bringing them back to obviously build his nest. His nest-I can't see- but it is towards the top of the tree, and he's such a clever dude that he goes in through the top and out through the side- front and back door if you like. I marvel at his instinct.

I sit here, chilled with my coffee and think "Man, I'd love to help you and make it easier for you." I could just get some string and ball it up; or I could leave some twigs closer to his nest so he didn't have to fly and hunt for them. When I was thinking this this morning it suddenly dawned on me that I wonder if thats how God feels about me- or us?

Maybe He's watching us going 'Ah, I'd love to help you..but' Now don't get me wrong, He does step in- often- but often too He doesn't. You see, if I helped lil Punk put together his nest then it would have my scent on it, and from what I know of birds (whic frankly is very little!), I think he would either abandon his nest; the chicks (are pigeons babies chicks??) or both. So by helping- or what I think is helping- I'm actually hindering him.

We often talk about the refiner- God molding us and allowing our decisions and experiences to grow us. Just like me with this pigeon, Im sure God wants to intervene all the time, stop us from making mistakes, or help things move quicker- hand over a few twigs to make it easier and quicker..lead us to greener pastures an all that..

Perhaps if He stepped in ALL the time our 'nests' would never be complete?

Just a thought... Tam