Yesterday I officially said my final goodbye to my Grandpa. It was a beautiful service and I was so proud of my own Dad who had organised the service, written the eulogy and then delivered it with such composure, love and respect for his Dad.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Grat no 11: "See you at The House Grandpa"
Yesterday I officially said my final goodbye to my Grandpa. It was a beautiful service and I was so proud of my own Dad who had organised the service, written the eulogy and then delivered it with such composure, love and respect for his Dad.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Grat No:10 Having coffee with the Sun on my face
This morning Im flying out of Launceston,Tasmania back home. I'm grateful for finding some yummy gluten free toast at a cafe this morning (believe me it can be a challenge!) and enjoying possibily the best coffee I've had! Those of you who know me well, know my love of coffee, so this is a BIG call calling it the best, but...Ahhhh, each mouthful I just savoured. Whatever the girl making it put in it I dont know but man oh man I enjoyed it. Thanks God for having the money to buy a coffee. You provide everything- all our resources and lately I am reminded of that in so many different circumstances. I find it is a lesson that God is teaching me at the moment- Jehovah - my provider- I find its one I forget sometimes as I focus on the customers that give me business and pay my mortgage/rent. I forget that it all comes from God, my provider, and merely comes through their hands...and then mine...and others. Im reminded to be deligent with the funds that come through my hands and be kingdom focused. You rock God!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Number: 9 The Big Red Ripe Strawberry
Well today my little girl just got bigger! She is now officially 4 years old - wow!
Number 8: Forgiveness
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Number 7: Catch me if you can!
I am grateful for the opportunity to run out to the shops today on my own. Although it was only for about half an hour I managed to get about 5 jobs done in that time- yes my productivity was incredible!! I am very grateful for moments like these, when both my kiddies are asleep and my hubby is working from home which allows me to quickly dash out.... ahhhhh so nice:)
Number 6: Communication
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Number 5: Keep Focused
Number 4: A new friend!

I made a new friend today. A lovely, inspiring lady named Laura. Her and her husband and their 3 young children moved to Chiang Mai about 5 months ago and work in a children's home.
Today I am thankful that we could meet and have coffee. I am grateful for our similar experiences, sense of humor and the opportunity to share. Here's her blog.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Number 3: Psalm 65
Number 2: Shhhh
I am grateful for a chance to catch up on some jobs while my two little beauty's sleep peacefully.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Number 1: Real

Sometimes issues arise which make you laugh, cry, raise your eyebrows in utter confusion or make you a little hot under the collar. But isn't it amazing what you can learn about yourself and others, despite all that flurry of emotion. I feel grateful that I have the ability to learn from the experiences I have had in the past, to better deal with and cope with the more interesting scenarios life sometimes throws at me. I am grateful for a very level headed and wise husband and two very funny, cute girls to keep me real and sane.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
1000 Gratitude Challenge

We're thinking about following the lead set by Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience.
But we're going to work together to make a list of 1000 Gratitudes!
Do you want to join us as we reach our goal and begin to feel more joy, less stress, better health and more connected? Email us at:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Spring Grat
Friends Grat
Friday, September 10, 2010
A life worth living...

Loss & Memories Grat
Punk Pigeoni
I find myself up early and sitting in one of my God spots with coffee in hand...ahhhh.. I'm struck by nature again this morning. God often speaks to me through it.
For the last few days I've been watching this pigeon build his nest in a tree in my backyard. I've nicknamed him "Punk" cause he's one of those types with the mohawk bit on the top of his head. Pigeoni- well thats my made up word from travelling in Italy some years ago, so when you say it, please do so with an italian accent!! Frankly he is kinda cute for a pigeon!
Anyway Punk is a hard worker. He's up early flying back and forth collecting twigs in his mouth and bringing them back to obviously build his nest. His nest-I can't see- but it is towards the top of the tree, and he's such a clever dude that he goes in through the top and out through the side- front and back door if you like. I marvel at his instinct.
I sit here, chilled with my coffee and think "Man, I'd love to help you and make it easier for you." I could just get some string and ball it up; or I could leave some twigs closer to his nest so he didn't have to fly and hunt for them. When I was thinking this this morning it suddenly dawned on me that I wonder if thats how God feels about me- or us?
Maybe He's watching us going 'Ah, I'd love to help you..but' Now don't get me wrong, He does step in- often- but often too He doesn't. You see, if I helped lil Punk put together his nest then it would have my scent on it, and from what I know of birds (whic frankly is very little!), I think he would either abandon his nest; the chicks (are pigeons babies chicks??) or both. So by helping- or what I think is helping- I'm actually hindering him.
We often talk about the refiner- God molding us and allowing our decisions and experiences to grow us. Just like me with this pigeon, Im sure God wants to intervene all the time, stop us from making mistakes, or help things move quicker- hand over a few twigs to make it easier and quicker..lead us to greener pastures an all that..
Perhaps if He stepped in ALL the time our 'nests' would never be complete?
Just a thought... Tam
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Boy or Girl?
Today I wanted to reflect on my gratitude for the beautiful group of girls from my LifeGroup. They are 7 of the most funny, friendly and loving people and I am so appreciative of them. Last night we had a baby shower for three of the girls who are pregnant and due in the next few months. It was such a great night of laughs, yummy food and some funny baby shower games! I personally love new babies...I love the anticipation and celebration of the new life that is growing inside these beautiful women... and I love friends who I can share the ins and outs of life with. This past year has been full of a lot of highs and lows for me and several of these girls have been there with through it. My gratitude is for their love and support and for the inspiration and encouragement that they continue to be to me. I feel very blessed with this group of girls.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Baskets baskets baskets galore
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
All in a days work
Today's gratitude focusses on the privilege of working. I feel really grateful that I am able bodied (although maybe bleary eyed a lot of the time) am quite capable of typing, emailing, faxing, creating spreadsheets, downloading and basic account keeping - just to name a few things. Sometimes I sit in my study (like this evening) and I multitask several of these things all at once!!! Gee it feels good lol! So tonight my grat is for the ability to work, be it for our business, our personal family affairs, my admin job or even of a more social feels good to have these skills and be able to use them:)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Fairy Party

Today my 3 year got to go to a Fairy Party at a dance school. It was such a great party - very well run and I feel really grateful that she was able to have such an awesome time dressing up, dancing, playing games, eating party food and doing the obstacle course etc. Plus it was lovely to have a chance to see her playing and having a great time with her new kinder friends. I was also really grateful to see how confident she is becoming. She was such a happy and willing participant and while I checked on her from time to time, she was absolutely content to join in and follow the 2 girls who were running the party's instructions. It just really warmed my heart and again reassured me how my quietly confident child is really 'growing up'!
This and that...
On a final note, I am grateful for all the 'little things' that are adding up to such a blessed life for me right now. Although I have faced lots of tough times this year, I have been challenged to grow, learn and to stretch myself in really major ways.
I am grateful for my ongoing studies and the chance to do something I love - learn! Also grateful for my role as a tutor this year, it has been a new and fun experience for me and I have been really proud of my own confidence in taking this on!
I am grateful for our 'new' place. How blessed to be able to set up a little home of our own with so many new things we were given for our wedding. I am loving having candles and fairy lights on, listening to music, sitting on our deck and sipping a glass of wine. Just feels so perfect I almost have to pinch myself.
I am grateful also for my growing sense of self-compassion as I continue to face high levels of stress, loss and being in a position where I am having to actively confront some of the difficult times from the past. I feel confident in my ability to support myself and I also feel confident that I am surrounded my people who are willing to support me (husband, family, counsellors and friends) what a huge blessing!
Now time to go sleep - another thing to be grateful for, the chance to sleep in this morning. A true luxury these days!!
Two wonderful little people...
I am grateful for my two beautiful little nieces who bring so much light into the world and for the chance to go and visit family interstate recently. What a blessing to share in the lives of these little people as they grow and develop their own personalities.
Also always grateful for hot drinks (GJ's), chats and the fact that when gained a brother I also gained another sister too. Woot for me!
Passing Away
Although this is a slightly more sombre grat, I wanted to say that I am grateful for the life of my grandmother (who passed away recently) and for the fact that she is now free of the suffering she experienced in the past few years and particularly the days leading up to her passing.
I am grateful that I was there with her in those final days, as difficult as they were, and that she was not alone. I am also grateful that at the end she was resting peacefully and I was able to say goodbye and take that moment to be with her whether or not she knew I was there.
I am grateful that I decided to stay there with my mother and assist in caring for her the day before she passed away and as a result provided support during a very difficult time for her.
I am also grateful for the relationship I shared with my gradmother and the fact that I feel confident that she knew I loved her and cared for her - and was able to make it to my wedding as her final outing before she passed away.
New Job
I am grateful that my partner got a new job and has been able to transition over from his old one (which he had to leave as his time there was ended). It all happened in good timing, he is loving the new job and he increased his rate of pay! Just feeling very happy for him and blessed that he is enjoying work each day.
Wedding Grat (from way back)
Soooo due to very slack gratting I have a few major things to be grateful for that go way back!
First and foremost, I am so grateful for my amazing wedding (a few months ago). It was a perfect day and everything I could have hoped for. I am so grateful and feel so blessed to have married an amazing man - surrounded by family and friends who were all wishing us the best for your future.
In addition, we had perfect weather, the whole day ran like clockwork and all the outfits came together great despite people coming from all over the country! I was able to share the day with my whole family and that was something that was really important to me.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I am grateful for the rain. How wonderful to finally have a whole stack of rain to make our garden grow, our new plants and vegies thrive and not to mention the fact that we are in a drought and desperately need the water (well in Victoria anyway!) I can't recall the last time we had 3 thunderstorms in the space of a week!! Bring it on I say - I used to think Summer was my favourite season but now I'm not so sure! I am loving Autumn:)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fly to me
Friday, April 23, 2010
Gotta hand it to you - what a bargain!!
I am grateful for a birthday voucher I was given back in Dec. I have been umming and ahhing about what to spend it on and yesterday I got the best bargain on a lovely handbag and wallet - both of which I was in desperate need of new ones as mine were literally falling apart!!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Cool Relief
Friday, March 5, 2010
Passport grat
I am grateful that today when I went to complete my 'working with children' check at the Post Office that I realised my Passport has actually just run out!!!! I am grateful that I can get onto it now and that I realised before I booked any tickets O.S!!!!! (Yay for being able to fill out the form on line and it was super easy!)

Since arriving in Thailand, it has been a whirlwind of experiences and emotions.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Kinder Grat
I am so grateful for the beautiful teachers who have made my daughters first experiences of kinder so warm, welcoming and POSITIVE! It's fantastic how much she loves kinder and while I am not saying it will never happen - I have been thoroughly grateful I have not had to battle "I don't want to go Mummy".
Monday, March 1, 2010
I Will
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Backspace Button
Have you ever typed a sentence, only to backspace and delete it?
I do this all the time…for many reasons. Sometimes it’s because what I have written has come out the wrong way - it just wasn’t what I was trying to say. Other times it’s because it is worded badly…will anyone even understand what I am getting at? Sometimes it is just because the words are bound up inside and trying to get them out is like scratching and poking at a splinter just hiding beneath the surface of the skin. Whatever the reasons, I backspace a lot!
I wonder if I could backspace in real life…what things would be different. Would I try and backspace the things I have said that were unkind, even cruel at times? I think I’d like to be able to do that. There are even some events in this past year I feel like I would like to ‘backspace’ and delete. The strange thing is however, I know God has allowed these circumstances to occur, and he is using them to help me grow. So I remind myself, does that mean these experiences aren’t painful? Does that mean that I have no emotions attached to them? No of course not. It means that I need to learn to ask God to give me the strength to endure rather than question how can I erase what has just happened to me.
Isn’t that a challenging yet fantastic phrase “God give me the strength to endure” these challenges. This is my prayer at the moment. Each day seems to bring new challenges, new struggles that remind me that I weak, frail, emotional, full of faults and failures. Each day seems to be full of things that I wish I could ‘backspace’ and do again, hoping for a different outcome. But I am confident that as I am reminded of how fragile I am at the moment, that God is my strength, he is my Father and he will help me to ENDURE and overcome. It might not be today or tomorrow but I will begin the see the changes in myself that he is doing. I will begin to see that rather than relying on a backspace to fix my messed up life, I can rely on the real AUTHOR… the one who had plans for me before I was even born. The one who is the beginning and the end and the ONE who doesn’t need a ‘backspace’ button to write the story of my life.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Anyhoo, we had found a bug inside our pillow so we were pretty worried about the bugs being inside our new mattress (our daughters was very old so we were happy to through it out).
So the next day came around very fast and we soon realised we needed help...Nana came over about lunchtime to take the girls for us and we managed to find a company to come over and spray our house. YAY. You should have seen our looked like a bomb has hit it literally. You could not walk for tripping over massive 60 litre black garbage bags full of clothes, toys, doonas etc.
The bug guys were great. They said they looked very much like bed bugs but didn't think they were big enought to be bed bugs. It took them a while to decide but eventually the verdict was given...they weren't bed bugs BUT of course it was still an infestation so we had them treat the whole house. However it DID mean we didn't have to do all the washing we had originally thought so PRAISE GOD. But since a lot of the stuff was mixed in with dirty clothes, half washed half dried, some still had bugs in still meant for a bit of fun at the good old Luandrette. Now there's a place that I don't frequent very often! So we came home yesterday afternoon to our house that was bug free had very literally been soaked form wall to ceiling! Yep...all the walls, floors, mattresses, couches everything!!! By about 9pm last night after drying out the house it was pretty much all back to normal....what a huge evening it was though putting the clothes away, the rooms back to normal, and thinking man if we were tired Friday night, we are EXHAUSTED now!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Settling in Thailand
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Splish Splosh Splat Grat
Wow I still get amazed at the small things that happen, that clearly demonstrate a higher power going before me.
Monday, January 25, 2010
My sparks
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I now pronounce you...

My grat for today is for the beautiful wedding that we all had the privelege to be apart of on Friday. My sister-in-law married her best friend and boyfriend of 7 years in the most spectacular and glamorous fashion! Everyone looked gorgeous, and the day went off with any blips on the rader. My specific grat however is not for the incredible limbusine we had on the day (a minibus mated with a limo for a very sweet ride) nor is it for the fabulous weather that shone on us all day...but rather my grat is for the fact that this beautiful couple have found love and have committed to loving each other for the rest of their lives. This is the most wonderful gift and I know they will treasure this and protect it. I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to be apart of their lives and now their wedding day... to be able to share in watching them become husband and wife was amazing. I am so thankful for their friendship and for the impact they have on our family. We are truly blessed to have them in our lives especially considering for so long we didn't even know where the other one lived! Yay what a totally fantastic gratitude todays is!!!