Friday, July 31, 2009

3 things

These three grats have all got something to do with my eldest son.

First of all I am thankful that he's alright after having a huge fall on to the slate floor the other night. Despite landing really hard on his head, it doesn't seem to have caused long-term damage. He ended up with a massive egg though (this all happened right on bed time because he was mucking around on his chair at dinner due to being tired and silly) so, of course, we could not put him straight to bed due to the fact that he could've been concussed. It all seems okay now though mind you his head still has a rather large lump!

I am also grateful for the fact that I was able to swap his swimming lesson time. I'd tried a couple of times with no luck and just thought I'd give it one more go. It was hard because I am so not confrontational but I could see all these Friday morning clashes coming up in the diary and didn't know what else to do.... thankfully it paid off and now my diary is looking a lot less complicated to fit everything in. Next week my new timetable begins!

Thirdly I have been working on getting my son to tell the truth all the time when I ask him questions because I was finding that he was just making random stuff up (fine when he's playing imaginary games but not when I'm simply asking him something about kinder that day). It's been hard to find examples where I know he's not being truthful to help him see that it's not appropriate in that situation. Anyway, today I was doing some baking and I'd let the kids have some cookie dough to roll out and make shapes as well as eat it. Shortly after I was putting my youngest down for a nap so I left the dough I was about to roll out on the bench and went upstairs (the kids were back playing in another room by this stage)... on returning I noticed the mixture was a considerably smaller ball than when I'd left and had tiny finger marks all over it! When I confronted my son about it, he immediately admitted that it was him and his sister and genuinely apologised straight away. Besides my brief annoyance at the mixture being half eaten (I was making cookies for some children coming over tomorrow) I was so happy that he'd been honest with me and that I was able to explain to him that his honesty was the right choice etc. So I am grateful for the progress I am seeing in this area. And now just to work on my 2 and a half year old daughter who blatantly lied and said she hadn't eaten any! LOL.


I've had really limited access to emails lately, with my internet problems increasing the number of grey hairs that are populating my head (can anyone relate!!??), so I've found that I have often been driving around in my car; or at home cleaning, cooking or whatever! and I've been thinking, "Oh that's something I need to write in my next grat"...funny though, as I sit in McCafe (go Macca's) and use their free wireless internet (grateful for this!) they all seem to escape my conscious mind. What's all that about??...and they were really relevant things too!!!

All I can think of right now- is Grace. Ah, I am SO grateful for God's grace.  There's a song that I often listen to and the words go "you're grace still amazes me, You're love is still a mystery. Each day I fall on my knees, cause your grace still amazes me."  How often I feel this. How often I feel like I just simply don't deserve His grace! The cool thing is, well,... I don't! but He gives it to me anyway! What a cool God we serve! What a GRACIOUS God!

I find myself regularly wondering where He is taking me in my life; I have NO idea. I have so many questions for God that remain unanswered. I'm sure there are reasons for this, I just simply don't understand them right now that's all.  I am learning though...S...L...O...W...L...Y, to just give it over to Him even when I don't get it.  Actually especially when I don't get it.  Maybe that's the lesson. I wish I didn't find it such a hard one to grasp and conquer! LOL. Bless you chicky babes, Tam
PS one of my pics from my recent trip attached- what great colours huh! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lots of grats and mindfulness...

I am grateful for the opportunity to read through the grats for the last week or so. I have been having a hard time and gotten out of the habit of gratting and it was so encouraging to read back through and particularly to hear about one of my favourite little people doing a champion job at her first dance class! Makes me giggle because when I had my first dance class I fell over and got so embarassed I never went back! i am grateful that she is increasing her confidence and doing so well!

I am also gateful for the mindfulness group I have been participting in at uni. It is helping me to learn more about myself and about being present in my life and appreciating the little things in life that bring beauty and enrich each day.

Getting Stuff Done

I am grateful for the fact that I have managed to get a bit of a head start on this uni semester with one piece of assessment down, and one half finished and today is only day one (did them over the holidays)! Also grateful for the support of the girls in my office at uni who just make the whole experience seem like a team effort!

Fitness Grat

I am grateful for a fantastic pilates / physio class help
me get my posture and a few other bits and pieces in order!!!
Yay my teacher was so lovely and encouraging and I am excited about
improving my overall wellbeing:-)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I am grateful for...

1. My lovely husband
2. My precious children
3. My physical health
4. My great family
5. My life
6. My computer
7. My laughter
8. My king sized bed
9. Living in safety
10. Having a car to drive
11. Faith
12. Friends
13. A God who loves me!
14. Funny things
15. A clean floor (for two minutes anyway)
16. Organisational skills
17. So many things to do
18. Books to read.
19. Our cappuccino machine (this should've been higher on the list)
20. Being able to travel.
21. Being able to go to university
22. Knowing amazing people
23. Experiences
24. Being able to get stuff done
25. My blog
26. My flannelette pajamas
27. Knowing all my grandparents
28. A funny husband who makes me laugh
30. Yummy dinners
31. Bed socks
32. Dreaming big dreams
33. Hot running water
34. A washing machine
35. Op shops
36. Music
37. Warm toast
38. Sunshine
39. The fact that I’ve almost made it to thirty-two.
40. Things to celebrate
41. Blessings
42. Bargains
43. Things to look forward to
44. Babysitters
45. Our deck
46. Our church
47. Hot fluffy chocolates
48. Lollies
49. My doona
50. Having so many things to be grateful for...!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chaos contained

I am grateful for a very productive day yesterday!! I managed to clean out and tidy basically all my cupboards including my pantry and walk-in-robe!! Usually my girls are very interested in being 'helpful' however yesterday they were both so happy playing their own little games that I actually really appreciated their lack of helpfulness LOL. How grateful I feel to finally have a little order back to my life after a few months of feeling very out of control! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New life!

On Saturday we headed out to our friend's house for a "baby brunch" (their version of a guys and girls baby shower). It was to celebrate the upcoming arrival of their first born child and our friend was 38 weeks pregnant.
Unbeknownst to us, earlier that morning before the party started, her waters had broken and she'd made a mad dash to the hospital where they told her to go back home...hence the baby brunch still proceeding!
That evening though we received a message to say that the baby had arrived at 6.40pm (remembering that they'd still had visitors till after mid day!!)
I am so thankful for the 'text book' labour that our friend had, for the swiftness with which the baby entered the world, the care of the medical staff and, of course, the wonderful new life that has made its way in to the world.
I am also grateful that I got to meet this beautiful little girl at just 24 hours old and have a cuddle. New life is just such a miracle and worth a big celebration!

It just so happens that...

Since leaving teaching 4 years ago, I have had to fill the "writing" void in my life by contributing to forums, journalling, keeping a few blogs and (up until recently) writing a monthly newsletter for a mum's group that I run.

So the other day, I was contacted by someone who was asking me to look at their biography and rework it. They said someone had told them that I write well.
Okay so my first response was "no I don't and no I can't" because I also knew that this biography was going to be read by a lot of people, but after a short conversation with myself, I decided I'd have a go.

So this morning I sat and rewrote the biography adding in my own touches etc and sent it off with lots of disclaimers saying that I wouldn't be offended if it was no good blah blah blah...
I then received a response saying that they appreciated my efforts and would be considering three options from different people and then it would go to someone else to be proof read.
'That's fine' I thought, at least I tried and it was a good experience.

Later this afternoon I received yet another email from the person saying that they loved my version and it was chosen as the one to use! I felt really encouraged by this.
I think sometimes after not working in paid employment it's easy to start to wonder whether you can even string two words together anymore but when something small like this happens then it's just a special little boost for the old self-esteem! And I am grateful for that.

Half strength soy creme brulee chiller with cream please

The other night I got the opportunity to go out to G.J's for a coffee with my big sis. It was such a lovely night...full of laughs, uninterrupted chatter and asked and answered questions. It was just a really special time to be able to enjoy each others company over coffee, without the 'busyness' that a normal day brings. I found this time especially precious, being able to share about our life goal and the amazing things God is doing in our lives. My sis is one of my bestest (and longest time) best friend and I am very blessed to have her in my life.


I am really grateful for some extra sleep my girls have been having lately - or more specifically, my baby!! For the past few weeks she has been asleep each night by 6:15 and has been waking between 7:30 and 8:30 each morning! I am loving having the chance to grab some extra shut-eye and even get the chance to have a shower uninterrupted in the mornings!!! Yay

Dancing Grat

Today was our first day of toddler dance classes for my 2 year old. How excited she was to be apart of this new group. But, my grat for today is actually for the mainly music classes we had been going to for the past year. The skills she learnt in this group made todays dance class the success that it was. All those wednesdays mornings of encouraging my toddler to not let herself be pushed to the back when it was time to get an instrument, how to sit in amongst the other children (without me) on the floor in front of the teacher, how to listen to the instructions and follow directions for the music and movement...and how to be friendly and love to join in and have fun dancing and singing in a group setting! Such valuable and necessary skills to have, and while all children find different things challenging, these are the main areas I saw my toddle first struggle with and then really succeed at. So todays dance class was a real joy to be apart of, watching her do all 'things' with a natural ease and grace. So I am very grateful for our experience of Mainly Music so that now we can go to Dancing and really get the most out of it right from the start!!! And yes, I must add I was just a little proud of her - she did such a great would never have known it was her first time!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby grat

When my husband gets home from work we have dinner as a family but usually towards the end of the meal, our little 8 month old starts to get sleepy so I take him upstairs to prepare him for bed whilst my husband finishes up, gets the older two ready and reads them a story. I am so thankful for this precious time I have with my youngest. It's one of my favourite, and most relaxing, times of the day. After my baby's in his pajamas we snuggle on the couch with his warm bottle of milk and he nuzzles right in. Within a few minutes he gets so comfortable that his eyes shut and his body totally calms. After he's finished his milk I find it hard to put him in his bed because I just want to stay on that couch and stare at him so content and fast asleep for just a bit longer. I am grateful for this time of him still being 'small' enough to enjoy these precious moments.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday's grat...

I am grateful for the times when I am reading my bible and there are verses, or even whole chapters, that feel like they were written just for me. It blows me away how something recorded so long ago can still be so relevant to my life now.
Today this happened with Psalm 119. I am so thankful for The Word of God and the strength, comfort and council we have at our fingertips!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Toasty Toes

Today's gratitude is for new slippers I was given as a present from my sis and bro-in-law. 
WOW they are the warmest and most snuggly slippers ever and I looooove them!! My feet have never been so toasty must be because they are made from wool:-) Plus I kind of slice around my house now...walking is soooo overrated, sliding is the new black!!

Steam this Grat!

O.k so this grat is for a couple of days ago, but I needed to put it in. I have been needing to get my rug cleaned for ages now, excspt since I don't actually want to get all my carpets cleaned I didn't think anybody would really want to come out just for one little rug - or if they did it would be a very over-priced experience!!! Anyway, the other day I had a friend from playgroup over and she happened to mention that her step-dad cleaned carpets. Late Thursday it occurred to me that since they live really close by, maybe he would be happy to come and clean my rug for me!!! Considering I had my daughters party Saturday morning I knew it would be a long shot to call on Thursday night and ask but I decided to suck it up and call her anyway!! She happily insisted she would call her step-dad that evening and call me back. As it turns out, he was stuck working from home all day on Friday...BUT my lovely friend insisted that she would come and pick up my rug for me, take it over to her dad's house and then bring it back clean that evening!!!!!!!! After assuring me a thousand times she really wanted to help out I agreed and sure enough, 9am the next morning she rocked up to collect my rug and pout it in her station wagon!!!! That evening at 8pm, she came back and dropped of my very clean rug AND her dad only wanted $20!!!!! I feel very grateful for my beautiful friend and the kindness of her family. Plus it was lovely to have her over to help chat to me the evening before the party while I was baking etc, as she wasn't actually able to come to the party the next day! Wow, I am truly blessed to have my friends from playgroup - what a fantastic bunch of gals they are:-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blow me away

Today's grat is for God blessing us so abundantly! Let me explain. Today we were on our way to church (even though we were exhausted and had missed our normal service, we decided to go to the later one at Knox) and as we were driving out of our street we noticed our neighbour had some hard rubbish on his nature strip. Now keep in mind, my hubby and I have a running joke in our family, that we never pick up the hard rubbish because the person who likes it is teased so badly by the other person who thinks it is junk!!!! But anyway, I disgress...let me get back to the story. We passed the house and my hubby said, hey did you see that entertainment unit they had on their lawn...I said No, and so he turned around and we went back. There on the front lawn was this beautiful unit, it was pretty big but in a really nice medium stained wood - looked in good condition too! The guy was putting more stuff out so we pulled up and my hubby went and asked him about it. He explained there was nothing at all wrong with it but his son had just had baby twin boys and was moving out of his house so had asked his dad to give him a hand getting rid of things! So anyway, he was more than happy for us to take it and since it had wheels so we just wheeled it back to our house!!! Its actually really big and looks fabulous in our front room. O.k so the story gets better! While we were there Pete also noticed the guy was throwing out a twin pram!!!!!!! I have really been desperate for one since my toddler seat broke, so going anywhere with the two girls can be quite tricky. My scooter is excellent but when my oldest girl gets tired, I end up having to baby bjorn my one year old....9 kilos and I feel it!!! Anyway, the pram is in perfect condition and works like a charm!!!!!! Fits into our boot better than my single pram and while its not brand new or anything, it runs like a dream and isn't too shabby at all!!!! Ok so I also forgot to mention, they were throwing out 2 dvd players with the tv unit that work perfectly, they guy even went back inside to get the remotes for us! 
So the story goes on that once we got home and unloaded our new stuff, we headed out again and as we passed the same house, we saw they had a safe and sound baby car seat. I have really needed one of these aswell and was at the shop 2 days ago pricing them. Well it hasn't been in an accident or anything, and again, they just wanting to clear space cos they are moving!!!! Anyway the point of my story is the we ended up with a really lovely tv unit, 2 dvd players, a double pram and a car seat!!!!!!! We both feel quite overwhelmed with Gods blessings today but so sincerely grateful for his provision at this time.  What a great day...and a great story too!!!

The last minute dash...

Wow, I am soooo grateful that my daughters first birthday went off without a hitch! I managed to organise the entire thing in basically 48 hours (of which I used pretty much most of those hours and ditched sleeping to do so!) But it came together and everyone seemed to have a really great time. My amazing mother-in-law made all the kids little aprons and the babies really cute bibs which added a really special touch the occasion. Although the picture above is not the cake I made, I did make a giant cupcake which looked amazing!! The decorations came together well and I loved being able to use our decked area as an extra play area for the kids. It was really satisfying to see over a dozen toddlers getting along without too many issues or arguments! Ahhhhhh yes, a very lovely day all around - I couldn't be happier. What a fantastic way to celebrate my little baby turning 1!!

I am grateful...

... that God is a big God- bigger than all our inadequacies, worries, fears and self-doubts. I'm thankful that we don't have to be perfect but just available. I'm glad He uses ordinary people throughout the Bible and all of history to achieve extraordinary things and that He sees things in each of us that we don't see in ourselves. This gives me so much comfort and encouragement.

Better late than never!

Whoops, I was meant to post these while on holidays and just realised that they didn't go on (sorry Tam).

My grat today is for the priveledge of holidays. Lots of people don't get them; cant afford them or are simply so tried up with business or family that a holiday just doesnt seem to be an option.

I've just got off a 16hr stretch of flights, with another 5hrs of waiting then 5hrs of flying to reach my desination. I'm phsyically wrecked after a crazy work week lead up to this break, toppedoff with 3-4hrs of ordinally broken plane seat sleep!! BUT you know, my spirits are high. Im on holidays, what a priviledge! I got to sit next to 2 great people, one who had a love of photography too so I was literally absorbing everything he said; then all went well with the flights and I found out that I couldcome into Qantas club in the USA and have a shower! Ah, can I tell you ladies, it was BLISS!! Its often the little things that we, well,...I guess, I...overlook. Today though, all these awesome litle things keep happening and my heart fills up with more and more joy. It's very cool. Thanks God!

AND ANOTHER THING...before I left, I found my long lost favourite glasses, my favourite hat (its very funky!) and my result! I just feel bubbly with blessings and gratefulness today. Thanks God for the reminder to stop and appreciate all the little things you do for us.


Where do I start? I will follow on from Tam's grat on the 'holiday' theme.
I too am away on holidays at the moment and there is so much to be grateful for. For starters my three children are all being looked after by the people in my family; my beautiful sister Mel, my parents and also parent-in-laws. I am so blessed to be able to have this opportunity to go away for a week knowing that my precious little ones are continually being loved and cared for.
I am thankful for a safe arrival to Chiang Mai. Unlike some people (who will remain nameless LOL) my trip did NOT involve the Qantas Club in fact I flew on the most budget of airlines I think I'll ever dare to fly on again! Go Air Asia! Not! Well if you've flown with them before, then you'll know why I feel so glad to be at my destination safely. I am still shocked that the seats didn't recline!
But on arrival, my husband and I were met by some lovely people that we've been corresponding with over here in Chiang Mai that run a children's home for kids that have been saved from danger (they were at risk of being trafficked and sold into the sex trade). I am looking forward to chatting with them more over the next week and meeting some of these precious little people at the home.
Upon our arrival at the hotel, we met some more of the missionaries that work over here and they had snuck up to our room to "check it was okay" and placed lots of bottles of water for us and two big bags of snacks (fruit, choccy biscuits, about 20 bags of chips, nuts, lollies, chocolate, juice, iced tea etc) for us along with hand made cards from some of the children at the home welcoming us to Chiang Mai. It was very humbling and I felt quite emotional when I read the cards.
Well the missionaries that will be showing us around left us to relax for the remainder of the day and recover from our less-than-comfortable flying experience. I am so happy to report that we rediscovered this super-fantastic coffee shop that we've visited on a previous trip here 2 years ago that makes the best coffees you'll ever taste... followed by dinner and a wonderful hand, arm, neck and back massage! I am so appreciative for this massage to sooth my aching muscles.
Well this trip has only just begun but I just know there will be so much more to report as the week progresses.


Friday, July 10, 2009


Perspective is such a funny thing...the way you look at something from different angles and it can seem so different. Like some days when it feels really busy having 3 children I think about how busy it must be to have say 7 children. And then I imagine if someone, like your husband, took 4 of those children out to the shops how it would be so easy with just 3 children!
Anyway my grat today is for the tolerance and patience to endure certain undesirable behaviors! Nothing too serious, just the kids readjusting to being back home after a week away but frustrating none the less. I do feel a bit sorry for my older 2 children as they have been so well cared for and now they have to come back to strict rules I enforce, ha ha!
No seriously, it was a good day but full of reminders about why we do things a certain way in our home. I am so thankful for the week away which gave me a week's worth of patience and understanding today. Things that would normally be really hard going and frustrating seemed like nothing at all. I am still in a state of being really happy to be back with the kids and nothing they can do right now will tip me over the edge... I'm just hoping this euphoric state will last LOL!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A quick one...

I have had the most extraordinary week. I have felt God's love, protection and provision in ways too numerous to list now BUT my grat for today... among so many things, is for my mother-in-law. When I picked up my eldest two children, after not having seen them for 8 days, I was just so grateful to see how settled they were. They were so happy and chatty. As I left with 3 children in the car and dinner cooked for me in one hand and dessert in the other I just felt so overly blessed. I was able to enjoy a lovely day with the children noticing all the little things about them that I love. I fell in love with each of them all over again and made up for the past week without cuddles and kisses. What a joy it was to have my babies back under my wings whilst knowing how much my family (combined) had looked after them while we were away.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cop that devo!

I have gratted about this before, but I will again today!! I am grateful for a fantastic email devo that comes through each day. It always challenges me, encourages me and makes me evaluate my relationship with God. Today was no exception. In fact, I think the girl who wrote the devo must have been eavesdropping on a conversation I had after church this week!!! I am grateful that this online devo for girls, it is always so smack bang write where I need it to be!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Beautiful Melody

I am so grateful for my beautiful baby who turned one on the weekend!! I can't believe that she is one has gone so fast. While this year has been full of it's challenging moments of being a mum of two, I can honestly say it is just simply the most rewarding experience and I feel so very privileged to have the opportunity to love and nurture my gorgeous children. They are a blessing straight from heaven and although there is many a night I wish for more sleep, I wouldn't trade the most important job of being a Mummy for anything at all.
I must say I am particularly grateful for the joy that my little one brings to our house. Her energy and exuberance for life is incredible, and the way she does everything with such gusto is inspiring (even if it does require a little direction!!)  The song of her life has been written in perfect timing with our family...what a beautiful melody she brings to our home.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A year already!

I am so grateful for my littlest niece who is a year old already! Time truly flies but I am so grateful for her presence in the world and her safe arrival at her first birthday in good health etc.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I am soooo grateful for my two mums! My own incredibly generous and kind mum who came to my rescue a few days ago when I was feeling really sick, who helped to look after my girls, bought me dinner, and did my ironing...all while I slept!!! All so selflessly.
And then there's my mother-in-law who has been an absolute star, helping out with our girls, making us soup when we are sick, making us yummy jelly slice and just generally being amazing. I feel very blessed to have these 2 very significant women in my life.

A Weary Grat

I am grateful for a God who is so forgiving.
You know there are some days that I feel like a bit of a failure. I grump, I whinge, I moan and grizzle and snap at anyone who gets in my way!
I get to the end of the day and I feel so discouraged within myself. I really try so hard to not let sickness, tiredness and the incessant screaming of children get to me, but some days unfortunately it does just that.
And despite all my best intentions, I do not manage to be the super-amazing wife and mother that I intended to be at the start of the day! My image of the cool, calm, collected Mum who breezes her way through the day,suddenly seems shattered and left smooshed under the couch with some half-eaten toast. 
So I am grateful, not only for a loving and forgiving family, but to my heavenly Dad who doesn't judge me and make me feel worse than I feel already. Who kindly helps me to pick myself up, dust myself off and tells me that it's o.k. You know, I get that my family are compassionate towards me, because, lets be honest, tomorrow it will be someone elses turn to lose the plot and they will be asking me for some extra 'understanding'. But God...well he doesn't stuff up. He doesn't have to keep asking me to forgive this, overlook that...and yet he is always the same. Ever patient, understanding and the oh so important one... compassionate.