Yesterday I gratted about temporarily living in a "full house" at the moment and all that I am learning from this experience.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yesterday I gratted about temporarily living in a "full house" at the moment and all that I am learning from this experience.
The simple things
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Full House

By living in a house that is not mine, I am learning more about myself. I am slowly getting used to functioning in a small community of people (outside our immediate family of 5) that comes and goes and changes day by day. I am having opportunities to experience things I would not usually have to as well as think through scenarios different to those I had in my "own" space.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Watching the clock
I am grateful that my hubby works so close to home - more specifically, in our office!!! (Can't get any closer LOL) It is such a treat to have lunch together, have him home at 5pm pretty much every night and be able to pop in and have a chat when I need to catch some adult conversation! I find this especially helpful in times when the kids are sick and I am housebound like today. And even when there is more work to be done after the kids go to bed, I love that we can sit next to each other on our big long desk and type side by side sipping hot drinks. Sweeeet!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Crawling Around

My littlest is finally crawling! I am grateful that he can now move himself to where he wants to go without the hassle of going backwards, rolling over, shimmying, shuffling, rolling again, sitting, bum dragging and so on. He can now spot his target... head in the right direction... and catch his prey!! It's so lovely to watch children reach their different milestones.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Outdoors Grat
Like a few other people, I am grateful for the days of beautiful spring weather. With the warmth from the sun beating down, it's hard to feel grumpy about anything. It's been so wonderful having the last week or so at my in-laws (we're living here until January). The back yard here is so big and exciting for the children to explore and it's been lovely to watch how they are experiencing new things and using up so much energy.
Teary Grat

I am grateful for a nice warm Chai latte and some friendly faces and words today after I got teary in class today! Public crying is one of my least favourite experiences so it was a big challenge for me to come to terms with the fact that I had done so and very good to have some nice warmth inside and out! Also a bit of a lesson in humility for me, haha. (Meke) |
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I feel like crying with gratitude simply writing this grat! Yesterday, despite being unwell, my mother-in-law came over and cleaned my house from top to bottom. She literally spent hours and hours 'White Kinging' everything, from floors and skirting boards, to the bathrooms, toilet and mirrors. Every single thing sparkles brighter than it ever has before!! For anybody who knows us, life for the past 15 months has been simply full on. From my difficult pregnany, to my hubbys work injury, to unemployment, the birth of our second child, starting our own business, growing our business form scratch, me working from home while being a fulltime mum...has all merged into a big ball of joy and craziness! Between the cars, our garage, our garden and the cleanliness of our house - we have been unable to keep up let alone 'get on top' of it all. Well last week I think I may have gratted about our garage getting a makeover...well this weekend our house has found its sparkle again with the much needed help of our Mum. God really answered our prayers on this one. I feel so relieved, so grateful and so overwhelmed to be living in a clean house.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Lots and lots
Monday, September 14, 2009
Beautiful Day
Special Date.

I had a lovely date with two little friends today. My 2 and a half year old daughter and my 10 and a half month old son and I went out for a coffee/ babycino this morning. Sometimes getting coffee out is more hassle than it's worth (well that's not all's always worth it LOL) but this morning I hadn't had my morning coffee and so after the kinder drop-off I was really hanging out for one. I would've been happy to grab one on the run but both little people were happy for a sit down and relax while drinking their babycinos so I relaxed too. What a lovely opportunity to chat and enjoy their beautiful personalities and feel so proud to have them at my table. It's nice when you catch a glimpse of people staring at you in a nice way and not a, "I wish they'd hurry up and leave" kind of way as we do occasionally get!
Friday, September 11, 2009
For about 2 years now, I have had half-finished curtains in my little girls room. They were not only unhemmed because I couldn't figure out how to make them more interesting BUT they also kept falling off the little ring things they were on. It drove me a little batty but I just kept putting in the "too hard basket". Well I am here to happily report that as of this evening they have been officially made their way out of this nasty basket thanks to my talented mother-in-law!!! Us four girls all took a trip to spotlight yesterday and managed to grab some really gorgeous material...Ma then proceeded to turn this sheet of material into a piece of art!!!!!! The rooms look AWSOME! My baby's room already had bunting in it and I really wanted to keep it, so we got this candy-stripe material that incredibly matched PERFECTLY!! My Big Girl who is about to turn 3, has a really sweet print with funky strawberries and rainbows and apples and flowers etc etc and it looks a bit like something from a storybook. The colours are bright and vivacious and I am inspired to be able to add some finishing touches of my own now! I am so very grateful that Ma spent 2 days of her holidays hanging out with us and happily created a lovely piece of art in each of the girls rooms. Plus I am extra grateful for the friendship we have...I really had such a lovely time hanging out with her and I feel very blessed.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cleaning Up

I am grateful for the small crowd of people gathering at our old house tonight for a "clean-a-thon". It's a really humbling experience to have people offering to come and clean your house (and a bit embarrassing- but I'm getting over that!)
Lazy morning

3 BIG grats

I am super grateful to finally have wedding accommodation booked for all of the family leading up to our wedding. It felt like a giant puzzle to fit everyone in at the right price in a close enough place! I would have to say this is the first part of wedding planning that I have found stressful (and even a wee bit upsetting!) so glad to have it all organised. The plus side is everyone is getting a good price, no one is left out and I think we have organised it so there is no awkwardness in the room sharing, yay! This is something I am very grateful to have done and dusted! On to the more fun and exciting bits... |
I am grateful for some great bargains I picked up at the shops yesterday. I had about 15 minutes to kill at DFO while I waited for a friend to arrive at the airport so I popped in to see what they had and found a really awesome sale! I picked up three light dresses and a scarf for next winter for $35 total! I am really grateful for these bargains I seem to find at the end of each season which carry me through the next year so that i rarely have to pay full price but can still feel nice about having something new to wear! Yay!
I am grateful for a fairly productive day at uni today, with classes, appointments and the chance to catch up on some files. I feel like my 'to-do' list is slowly being ticked off...and at least slightly faster than I'm adding new things to it! Also had some really great sessions with clients today which was great! |
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
What did you say?!
Did you ever have that moment when you take a deep breath out and think you have finished something, only to abruptly realise about 2 hours later that you haven't?! Well this happened to me this morning and man did I feel discouraged! Having finished my massive submission to WW's corporate in the wee hours of the morning, I finally felt as if I could focus on cleaning my house and regaining some normality and composure to the chaos that is currently our house. BUT ALAS as I opened my emails this afternoon I saw it. Yes there it was, the email that said "Have you remembered your submission to Big is also due now!!" Nooooooooooo how could I have forgotten this? There is 2 submissions, every qtr, and yet the first one was so massive and intense this qtr, that once it was done I had totally put the other out of my mind!!!!!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to inspire a new sense of HOPE just as God has done for me and which I am forever grateful for. If you are feeling like your spiritual life is cold and dragging or you are going through things at the moment and you are just waiting for things to come to an end or for answers, then i want to encourage you... just as Spring has entered, so is your new season!! The key is to believe it will come no matter what your circumstance is!! :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Coffee, coffee and more coffee...

Need I say more?
Recent Grats

My husband, children and I are moving to Thailand in 4 months. Here's some things I am grateful for that I sent in a recent email:
Cheap airfares!
We are booked to leave on January 14th 2010. Unbelievably we got $99 tickets to Kuala Lumpur! All up we will get the 5 of us to Chiang Mai for around $1000!! YAY!
Renting our house-
At the end of this term, a beautiful Christian couple (whom we've known since youth group days) will begin renting our house with their four children. Praise God we didn't even have to go through an agent or advertise. This was a complete blessing. We "officially" move ourselves out this weekend and then the cleaning begins!!
Our first visitors "booked"-
For my birthday in August, my parents called me to say that they'd booked tickets to come and stay with us in March next year! This is really exciting.
Packing up-
I admit, I have found it difficult trying to pack up the house on top of the normal busyness of life.
It's also been overwhelming at times realising how much there is to get done before January but God is so faithful.
He continues to go before us and make the way so I know it will all be okay.
Our 2 beautiful mothers have been so helpful as always. My mum has been working day and night to help me pack the house up in a very short amount of time and Dave's mum, cooking us meals and minding Tobi and Eli so that there were some quieter moments to get jobs done. I would not have been able to function without their advice, direction, assistance and thoughtfulness.
My husband's parents are not only housing us for 4 months until we leave, but are also able to store our remaining furniture and belongings for as long as we need. We are so grateful for their flexibility and their provision in this area.
A GP has offered to assist our family both with consultation and cost. in preparation (health-wise) for the move, This is a huge load off our minds.
- It seems that every week we are meeting new people who share our passion to raise awareness and stop human trafficking. We have received money to help support us going to Thailand.
- We've also had offers to keep our family in their prayers (we really need this).
- Our couch sold (without having to advertise).
- We were introduced to a young lady Rachael, from Sydney, who feels called to raise money for ZOE and could turn out to be a great 'Australian' administrative support person one day.
Our friends-
Their words of encouragement help to keep us 'going'. We serve a wonderful God. Without His strength, we would not be doing this but He often uses our family and friends, to prop us up during the tougher days.
(We are heading over to ZOE Children's Homes)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Toddler Tanty
There is something to be said for friends who are in the same stage of life as you!!! My gratitude today is for the fact that I have great friends who battle the same daily battles with their toddlers as I do! I know it might sound a bit weird, but it's amazing how satisfying it is seeing another toddler have a tantrum for their Mum!!! Today my grat is for the fact that I was able to reassure my friend that this was totally normal and that I in fact also face these challenges, despite my child 'appearing' angelic whilst in her company! Well t'was only about 2 minutes after we had parted I that I was treated to my very own personal toddler tantrum...LUCKY ME!
Take a deep breath
There are some weeks that seem harder than others. Some weeks that are filled with emotions, physical exhaustion and just so many demands on your time that it just seems the hours are blurring into the next with barely a chance to catch your breath. (SIGH) Yes, this has been one of these weeks, but I am reminded in so many different ways that I have a big God who is there for me with a listening ear, a compassionate heart and I am grateful for all the small but significant ways he communicates this to me. I dare not think how I would cope without this reassurance and strength...Mel