Women of Gratitude
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Grat No. 12: God's Promises

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Grat no 11: "See you at The House Grandpa"
Yesterday I officially said my final goodbye to my Grandpa. It was a beautiful service and I was so proud of my own Dad who had organised the service, written the eulogy and then delivered it with such composure, love and respect for his Dad.
I am grateful for my Grandpa and the life and love that he shared with us. Grandpa has really been the only one of my grandparents whom I can recall sharing such a strong faith and love of God with me. I loved how interested he was when I used to call him up for a random chat and I will always remember these times with a lot of fondness. The last time I saw my Grandpa was last Saturday night. Mum, Dad and I went in to visit him at the hospital. This was a really difficult time - I thought I would not be as emotional as I was, but watching my own Dad say his last goodbye to his Dad really hit me hard. But it was just so precious seeing how excited Grandpa was to be finally going home. "See you at The House son" he said with a cheeky smile to Dad.
My Mum described this visit with Grandpa well, she said He has one foot on earth and one in heaven already" and it was so true. All of his senses were heightened and he could see and hear us without even using his glasses or hearing aids.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to give my Grandpa one last kiss, tell him that I loved him and wish him a 'great trip'. P'haps even more precious was when he told me he loved me and gave me the most beautiful wave as I left the room. No-one else saw that child-like wave that he gave me...I will treasure this beautiful memory forever.
Today I am grateful for my Grandpa. "See you at The House Grandpa"
Love Melinda
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Grat No:10 Having coffee with the Sun on my face
Another airport grat from Tammy...I find that the time I sit waiting for the flights give me a chance to reflect on the day; the week; the month...year....that's been. I often do a combination of computer work (yawn) thinking; or people watching- the latter two are much more enjoyable!
This morning Im flying out of Launceston,Tasmania back home. I'm grateful for finding some yummy gluten free toast at a cafe this morning (believe me it can be a challenge!) and enjoying possibily the best coffee I've had! Those of you who know me well, know my love of coffee, so this is a BIG call calling it the best, but...Ahhhh, each mouthful I just savoured. Whatever the girl making it put in it I dont know but man oh man I enjoyed it. Thanks God for having the money to buy a coffee. You provide everything- all our resources and lately I am reminded of that in so many different circumstances. I find it is a lesson that God is teaching me at the moment- Jehovah - my provider- I find its one I forget sometimes as I focus on the customers that give me business and pay my mortgage/rent. I forget that it all comes from God, my provider, and merely comes through their hands...and then mine...and others. Im reminded to be deligent with the funds that come through my hands and be kingdom focused. You rock God!
This morning Im flying out of Launceston,Tasmania back home. I'm grateful for finding some yummy gluten free toast at a cafe this morning (believe me it can be a challenge!) and enjoying possibily the best coffee I've had! Those of you who know me well, know my love of coffee, so this is a BIG call calling it the best, but...Ahhhh, each mouthful I just savoured. Whatever the girl making it put in it I dont know but man oh man I enjoyed it. Thanks God for having the money to buy a coffee. You provide everything- all our resources and lately I am reminded of that in so many different circumstances. I find it is a lesson that God is teaching me at the moment- Jehovah - my provider- I find its one I forget sometimes as I focus on the customers that give me business and pay my mortgage/rent. I forget that it all comes from God, my provider, and merely comes through their hands...and then mine...and others. Im reminded to be deligent with the funds that come through my hands and be kingdom focused. You rock God!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Number: 9 The Big Red Ripe Strawberry
Well today my little girl just got bigger! She is now officially 4 years old - wow!
This morning we celebrated her beautiful life with a Strawberry Party. If you had wandered through our house today you could be forgiven for thinking you had stumbled into a real strawberry patch...our house has officially been strawberryfied!!
And what a wonderful day it was!! I was so grateful to have had 5 of my closest girlfriends and their kidlets there to make the day really special and memorable. I was also really grateful that I had had the opportunity to do so much party planning with my sister in Thailand...it really helped me feel like part of her was there when I looked at all the things we had hunted out and bought together for the party. Kind of made me feel like she wasn't missing out so much as well. I liked that. This party was also the first time I had really included my Mum in the planning and I really enjoyed sharing this with her, and seeing her get really involved. I am so extremely grateful that my amazing hubby was able to take the time off work and be apart of the day even though it was on a weekday (ahhh the perks of being the boss)!
Finally I am grateful for my beautiful Bella. I am so grateful for the soft hearted, generous, loving, funny, strong willed, determined, self sufficient, fashion conscious, friendly and nurturing little person she has become over the past 4 years. Her inner strength continually amazes me. I am in awe at how her confidence has increased... how her love and understanding of God is growing and deepening. How her ability to seek and show love is blossoming. How her capacity to overcome, learn new skills and excel is developing at such a rapid and exciting rate. Her loving and nurturing spirit for animals and young children brings a tear to my eye. I feel so blessed to have been given this very special child by God to watch over and care for. Words cannot express how much love this precious child.
So my main gratitude is all about you my little strawberry girl...I am so grateful to be your Mummy...to see you grow bigger every day...to show you how to love and nurture...to introduce you to an amazing God who created you and has a plan for your life...to enjoy you and all that is Bella Imogen Hynes.
I love you Boochie-coo, happy birthday sweet girl.
Number 8: Forgiveness
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Number 7: Catch me if you can!
I am grateful for the opportunity to run out to the shops today on my own. Although it was only for about half an hour I managed to get about 5 jobs done in that time- yes my productivity was incredible!! I am very grateful for moments like these, when both my kiddies are asleep and my hubby is working from home which allows me to quickly dash out.... ahhhhh so nice:)
Number 6: Communication
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